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Best Books for Eating Disorder Recovery: How to Overcome Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, and Body I

Summary: When Surviving an Eating Disorder was first published in 1988, it became the bible to help families deal with their loved ones who were struggling with eating disorders. It also became a valuable manual for clinicians in their work of guiding and supporting these families. (click on the image below to order the book)

best books for eating disorder recovery

Summary: Countless eating disorder books have explored how eating disorders are psychological and biological illnesses which too often are fueled by the social pressures in our culture to be thin at all costs. Rarely do we find a book that fully and clearly addresses the medical complications of eating disorders. (click on the image below to order the book)

Jennifer Gaudiani, MD, CEDS, FAED is a board-certified internal medicine physician. Her outpatient medical practice cares for people with eating disorders of all genders, shapes, and sizes throughout the United States.

Summary: Therapists in the eating disorder field have applied the metaphor of a gun to describe the multi-faceted reasons that people turn to eating disorders: genes load the gun, the environment sets the stage, and an emotional trauma or stress pulls the trigger. (click on the image below to order the book)

Summary: Clinicians in the field of eating disorders as well as an increasing number of people with disordered eating have embraced the truth that diets do not work. (click on the image below to order the book)

Dana Harron, PsyD, is a psychologist in Washington, DC. She is founder and director of Monarch Wellness and Psychotherapy, a practice that specializes in mind-body problems such as eating disorders, anxiety, trauma, fertility issues, and depression. Visit her at

Summary: Dr. Rabinor is a seasoned psychologist, eating disorder specialist, and workshop leader. In her third book, she presents an intriguing and heart wrenching mix of her own personal story woven together with her clinical work as a psychotherapist. (click on the image below to order the book)

Gia Marson, EdD, is a licensed psychologist in California and consultant to the UCLA eating disorders program. Danielle Keenan-Miller, PhD, is a psychological scientist, teacher, and therapist and director of the UCLA Psychology Clinic. See Here

Summary: Treatment for eating disorders traditionally involves therapists teaching clients behavioral/cognitive strategies to improve their destructive eating behaviors as well as using psychodynamic techniques to explore the emotional origins of their struggles. (click on the image below to order the book)

Summary: In this collection of 24 personal essays, people in recovery from binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia have come together to tell their stories. (click on the image below to order the book)

Catherine Brown is an award-winning writer on eating disorders, body image, parenting, and the arts. She co-hosts the podcast, Eating Disorders: Navigating Recovery. Christina Tinker has recovered from anorexia and is a corporate storyteller.

Sunny Yingling is a registered dietitian and Director of Nutrition with Plan Health & Fitness. She provides medical nutrition therapy for a variety of diagnoses and specializes in sports nutrition, weight management, and eating disorders. You can visit her at

Summary: This manual provides an easy-to-read understanding of eating disorders from the perspective of a certified eating disorders registered dietitian. (click on the image below to order the book)

Libby Parker, MS, RD is the owner of the group eating disorder practice 'Not Your Average Nutritionist, LLC' in California. She specializes in college-age eating disorder recovery since 2012. Connect with her on , facebook and instagram@DietitianLibby.

Summary: The most beautiful girl I ever had in my therapy practice looked like a young Sophia Loren but was afflicted, nonetheless, with chronic body image struggles and an eating disorder. (click on the image below to order the book)

Becca Clegg is a licensed professional counselor and certified eating-disorder specialist who has spent her career tackling negative body image, food obsession, and dismantling the diet mindset that creates a culture of insecurity and disordered eating. Visit her at

Summary: Becky L. Jackson Eating Addiction Recovery Model. Becky Lu Jackson emerged from many years of suffering with an eating disorder, diet pills, and alcohol abuse in the 1970's. She then founded two recovery homes and an educational center for women with eating disorders, has written three books on eating addiction and treated "over two thousand sufferers in thirty years." (click on the image below to order the book)

Book Review: Becky L. Jackson Eating Addiction Recovery Model. Becky Lu Jackson emerged from many years of suffering with an eating disorder, diet pills, and alcohol abuse in the 1970's. She then founded two recovery homes and an educational center for women with eating disorders, has written three books on eating addiction and treated "over two thousand sufferers in thirty years." According to Ms. Jackson, many eating disorders are addictive diseases. She identifies an insidious inner addictive voice which makes hateful and judgmental comments and prompts eating addicts to believe that no matter how much they eat, it will never be enough. Helping clients identify and separate from this self-destructive voice is one of the keys of her recovery approach, and clients are encouraged to practice positive self-talk and journal writing. The author states remission from an eating disorder addiction involves working on five levels of recovery: physical, emotional, mental, sexual, and spiritual surrender to one's Higher Power. The foundation of her philosophy is the conviction that abstinence requires the "behavioral medicine of 3 moderate pre-planned meals a day, with nothing in between no matter what!" This echoes the first officially sanctioned food plan from Overeaters Anonymous with its concept of 3-0-1 ("three meals a day, nothing in between, one day at a time") which was distributed by OA until they discontinued it in 1986. Ms. Jackson has chosen to rename this model after herself, calling it The Becky L. Jackson Eating Addiction Recovery Model. She explains, "I eat three moderate meals whether or not I'm hungry.I decided that if a neighbor said, 'That's stupid, Becky, to think that you can't have a brownie or apple between meals,' I wouldn't socialize with her." Her book includes many testimonials from people who have been helped by her including one whole chapter devoted to testimonials. However, my 47-years of experience in the field of eating disorders has shown time and again that "no one size fits all" and that every one's pathway to healing is unique as a finger print. Healing paths which advocate extreme structure and rigidity may work for some, but uncompromising and hard-line approaches can also unwittingly be a gateway to the development of binge eating disorder.

Book Review: Destiny: An Uncommon Journey by David Kreuger MD and Jane Newfield MSW is a unique prose poem about a ship named Destiny that embarks on an odyssey to encounter her sense of wholeness and well-being. She navigates her personal storms to eventually achieve an appreciation and celebration of her inner self. Dr. Kreuger describes Destiny as "a timeless story of a fundamental journey through new and sometimes troubled waters to self-discovery." The book developed and evolved when the author worked with an eating disorder treatment program. In weekly groups of hospitalized young women with significant eating disorder issues, the story of Destiny was introduced and then a "talking stick" was passed around to each member who added their own spontaneous and poetic thoughts to the story of Destiny's voyage. The patients' contributions became a reflection of their personal journeys of health and healing and expressed themes so concerning to eating disorder sufferers: struggles with self-esteem, perfectionism, the disavowal of one's inner needs, worries about vulnerability, and the fear of asking for help. Joseph Campbell, in The Power of Myth, defines the function of mythology as providing people with a means of coping with passages through different stages of life. Similarly, Dr. Kreuger explains how the metaphor of the ship and her rebuilding underscores fundamental issues around the development of the self. When Destiny was created by her shipbuilders, everyone was full of hope for her, but in her inner core, Destiny knew there were undeveloped and missing aspects to her. She went from port to port, hoping to find just the right port. Eventually, she made a decision that frightened her the most: she surrendered and asked for help and sailed to a safe harbor known to have helped others like her. Destiny arrived at a special port - a place known to have helped others like her. Here, Destiny learns, "Only By Sharing The Secrets That You Feel Keep You Separate Can You Be Truly Distinct." Myth and storytelling, metaphor and allegory can express our own internal and external truths. This small, charming book provides a framework for understanding how to navigate personal storms and how to emerge triumphant with a cohesive and vibrant sense of self!

Summary: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Eating Disorders, edited by Andrew Seubert and Pam Virdi. Editor and author Andrew Seubert explains at the beginning that he was moved to write this book following the death of his step-daughter from intractable anorexia. By this revelation, he demonstrates with candor and humanity that we healers may also suffer from the same traumas as our patients; his creating this book represents an example of post traumatic growth at its best. Together with fellow editor, Pam Virdi, they have compiled the work of 38 international clinicians and researchers to examine the role of trauma in the development and maintenance of eating disorders and to analyze the various treatment modalities. (click on the image below to order the book) 2ff7e9595c

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