According to the ClearSky report, the purpose of these attacks is to breach enterprise networks, move laterally throughout their internal systems, and plant backdoors to exploit at a later date.
The attacks part of the Fox Kitten Campaign observed by ClearSky aimed that gather information on the target networks and plant backdoors, but experts fear that once inside the target infrastructure the hackers could use data wiper (i.e. ZeroCleare and Dustman) in future attacks.
Iranian hackers breach VPN servers to plant backdoors in corporate networks worldwide
ClearSky says the attackers have focused on attacking VPN tools because they provide a long-lasting foothold at the targeted organizations, and frequently open the door to breaching additional companies through supply-chain attacks. The company says such tactics have allowed the Iranian hackers to gain persistent access to the networks of companies across a broad range of sectors, including IT, security, telecommunications, oil and gas, aviation, and government.
Campaigns against VPNs are unpopular and difficult to enforce. Many people depend on VPNs for different functions, including corporate employees accessing remote file servers and security-conscious internet users logging onto open Wi-Fi networks in public. In countries that block international news and information, local scientists, economists, and even government officials rely on VPNs to stay informed.
By 2000, the internet had spread throughout the world, and hackers frequently targeted servers and public websites. Cybercriminals quickly learned how to exploit internet vulnerabilities and developed more damaging attacks. They could infect PCs, steal information, send spam, create phishing pages, and manage entire networks of computers to launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Computer worms spread exponentially; there were more than 1 million of them by the mid 2000s.11